High school. What an ominous word. Often associated with excruciating classes, lots of homework, and the crazy senior here and there. It’s practically the wilderness, but just as the wilderness can be braved, so can high school. Here you will find the skills you will need to keep in your backpack as you brave it.
P.S.A. I’m just kidding about high school being ominous, I had a great experience! Everyone was so supportive and I really found myself in the crucial last 3 years. Don’t worry about a thing– until you can drive. Then you can worry about figuring out how to park, a skill I have yet to master. Good luck 🙂
Freshman advice:
- Before entering, get to know the school!
- Sign up for lots of clubs and activities
- Connect with upperclassmen
- Find what study techniques work for you
- Build relationships with faculty
Sophomore advice:
- Start finding out what you are most interested in
- Level up the challenge
- Take a couple practice standardized tests
- Find your morals and become a global citizen
- If you can– try to get your license (you become more independent)
Junior advice:
- Push your limits but also know them
- Prepare for and take standardized tests
- Research and visit colleges
- Maximize your summer
- Solicit and follow advice from those you trust (parents, college counselors, peers)
- This is especially important in the college process.
General tips for all grade levels:
- Always come to class, come on time, and ask questions
- Class covers the most important concepts you will need. Make sure you pay attention!
- Do your homework as early as you can (but don’t worry if you’re not always getting it done on day 1)
- Getting your homework done early enables you to ask for help if you struggle
- Come with a growth mindset — it’s okay to make a mistake
- Mistakes are inevitable. Repeat that. Mistakes are inevitable, and they are necessary to help you grow as a person. When you get a grade you don’t like, go to your teacher and see how you can do better next time.