Women’s Empowerment
What is women empowerment?
“Women’s empowerment can be defined as promoting women’s sense of self-worth, their ability to determine their own choices, and their right to influence social change for themselves and others.”
Why is women empowerment important?
When women are empowered, they have both the ability to reach their full potential and enact positive change in the world.
How can I help?
- Sponsor a girl: provide her with an education and the tools she needs to be successful in life
Worldvision.org supports girls in a variety of locations: https://www.worldvision.com.au/donate/help-communities/sponsor-a-girl (you can also hear the stories of the girls you are sponsoring!) - The Invisible Girl Project, combats female genocide in india: https://invisiblegirlproject.givecloud.co/sponsorship
- Educate yourself: look through the news to find information. A great newsletter I am subscribed to is called the Invisible Girl Project.
You can subscribe for free on their website, and also look into their blog, linked here (https://invisiblegirlproject.org/blog/)