With school almost starting, it’s unfortunately time to get thinking about studying. Here are my top productivity tools to make your studying a little less dreadful.
- Quizlet
Quizlet is my all time favorite because of the breadth of options you have to choose from when quizzing yourself. Simply enter terms that you need to memorize and their definitions, and you can play fun games, use and star flashcards, or practice terms until you get them right through the learn function. One really helpful feature is the test method, where Quizlet makes a practice test for you that will mimic an actual testing situation!
- Smartgirlstudy
Smartgirlstudy is definitely a hidden gem. It contains many helpful templates that you should use in your classes. These include a calculus formula sheet and a hourly study planner. Plus, the templates look super pretty and make you look organized.
- Kahoot
You’ve probably used kahoot in your classes, but it is also a great tool to use during study time. There are thousands of publicly available kahoots, and chances are that you are going to find one in the subject area you need to study. It is super fun and can be helpful if you are procrastinating studying because it’s too boring.
- Natural Readers
Natural Readers is a text to speech generator. Essentially, you input text and it reads it aloud. This technique is super helpful for revising essays because you often only finding errors when hearing them aloud.
- Momentum Chrome Extension
Momentum is a great chrome extension if you need a little boost of motivation every day. The personalized dashboard features a motivational quote, a beautiful landscape, and a to-do list.
- Google Calendar
Google Calendar is a great way to schedule appointments and schedule study time. You can personalize slots with different colors and add due dates for assignments. A great feature of Google Calendar is that it gives you reminders for appointments!
- Grammarly
Grammarly is a great way to get another set of eyes on your writing. It corrects sentence structure and grammar conventions, and if you want you can even get more help through Grammarly premium.
The best part: all of these are free!